
Shobha Warrier

Shobha Warrier has extensively covered the Sabarimala issue for She is the author of His Days with Bapu: Gandhi's Personal Secretary Recalls among several books. You can e-mail the author at

Stories by Shobha Warrier

'Family Life Is As Important As Work Life'

'Family Life Is As Important As Work Life'   27 Nov 2023

'You have to have commitment to both, but it has to be done at the individual level.'

'India is only a 150-year-old name'

'India is only a 150-year-old name'   7 Nov 2023

'Bharat is a name that is 7000 years old.' 'We are not saying the name of the country should be changed from India to Bharat; we only recommended that the stress should be on Bharat.'

'No government ever stooped so low'

'No government ever stooped so low'   30 Oct 2023

'It is violation of the Model Code of Conduct.' 'It is a penal offence under the IPC to exert undue influence on voters.' 'Under the election law, it is a corrupt practice.'

'Democracy is at risk, its pillars are getting weakened'

'Democracy is at risk, its pillars are getting weakened'   30 Oct 2023

'I wonder how people who come to power through democratic means turn out this way.' 'But people of India are strong, and those who think they can hoodwink people, are mistaken.' 'You can fool some people for some time, but not all people, all the time.'

'How come the world is angry with Israel?'

'How come the world is angry with Israel?'   25 Oct 2023

'Israel should stop water supply to the people who want to destroy us.' 'It is not Israel's responsibility to take care of the people who want to kill Israelis.'

'My boyfriend shouted, terrorists... terrorists...'

'My boyfriend shouted, terrorists... terrorists...'   25 Oct 2023

'We were shaking with fear whenever we heard a gunshot somewhere and we could hear gun shots all around us.' 'We thought they would come near us soon.'

How Vizhinjam Port Can Change India's Shipping Fortunes

How Vizhinjam Port Can Change India's Shipping Fortunes   17 Oct 2023

'It will be important strategically and geographically because there is no port in India which is as close to the international shipping route as Vizhinjam.'

'Adani has deep pockets...'

'Adani has deep pockets...'   17 Oct 2023

'Adani can attract vessels at a much lower cost to Vizhinjam as he has the financial muscle to do so.'

'They killed babies, they raped women. They kidnapped whoever they saw'

'They killed babies, they raped women. They kidnapped whoever they saw'   13 Oct 2023

'Everyone I know has somebody kidnapped or murdered by the terrorists.'

'ISRO was their first wife'

'ISRO was their first wife'   12 Oct 2023

'One thing about ISRO is that all the people who work there are passionate about their work.' 'They did not mind spending day and night over there.' 'Even today it is like that.'

'For us, this attack was like 9/11'

'For us, this attack was like 9/11'   12 Oct 2023

'We thought all the Jews in the world could live securely in today's world, and that feeling is broken.'

'The Magic Continues At ISRO'

'The Magic Continues At ISRO'   12 Oct 2023

'The benchmark was set by Dr Sarabhai.' 'If there is a problem, everybody would be encouraged to come up with a solution.' 'The final solution will be the result of all the inputs.' 'This is passed on through time.' 'Even today, you see that nobody wants to take particular credit on a success.'

'Why Worship Modi For Women Reservation Bill?'

'Why Worship Modi For Women Reservation Bill?'   4 Oct 2023

'This is not about revering women; this is about women entering politics.' 'This is about women having a say in how State policies have to be shaped.'

'I have no problem with Shashi Tharoor'

'I have no problem with Shashi Tharoor'   27 Sep 2023

'I am the senior most Congress party leader from Kerala, and I don't know why I am sidelined.'

'He will move to a new Parliament on Ganesh Chaturthi'

'He will move to a new Parliament on Ganesh Chaturthi'   14 Sep 2023

'The Constitution of India is a stumbling block. So, they want a Presidential mode of election.' 'This is the sole purpose of the BJP to go for one nation, one election.'

'Nitish, Mamata, Stalin Don't Know India'

'Nitish, Mamata, Stalin Don't Know India'   7 Sep 2023

'Does anyone understand India?' 'Does anyone have a larger perspective for India as a whole?' 'Today we have rulers who do not understand the ruled.'

'Caste Won't Disappear From India'

'Caste Won't Disappear From India'   7 Sep 2023

'In India those who want change cannot bring about change, and those who can bring about change do not want change.'

'Project Cheetah is a failure'

'Project Cheetah is a failure'   25 Aug 2023

'The planning and implementation has gone horribly wrong.' 'What they are doing is in effect, establishing a large cheetah zoo.'

'The Kuno project is doomed to fail'

'The Kuno project is doomed to fail'   25 Aug 2023

'The space required for wild cheetah populations to thrive was grossly under-estimated.' 'Cheetahs, because of their social system and ecologically fragile nature, live at only 1 cheetah per 100 sq kms even in the best habitats of Africa.'

CHANDRAYAAN EXCLUSIVE! 'This is text book precision!'

CHANDRAYAAN EXCLUSIVE! 'This is text book precision!'   24 Aug 2023

'You declare a date, time and place for the landing two months in advance and exactly at that moment, it touched on the moon.'